Testosterone and Men and Safety Questions

Some men & women have concerns about the safety of boosting men's testosterone levels when it is medically legitimate to so do! JAMA Internal Medicine recently published 2 articles in their April 2017 Vol 177, No 4, and the titles and conclusions are presented...

Wouldn’t it be nice to have a peaceful brain?

www.iasistech.com We are hosting a seminar about the IASIS Neural Stimulation therapy we have introduced to our practice and patients.  This will be Tuesday, October 18 from  6 pm to 7 pm here at our office 4085 Cloud Springs Road off the "Costco"...

Why Vitamin C?

Why is it that dogs and cows and birds RARELY get heart attacks, BUT, heart attacks are common in us humans?  It our most probable cause of death!  But in the rest of the animal kingdom, heart attacks are RARE.  Hmmmm………. Well, except...

Announcement – September 2015

This space will be for sharing articles & information of interest with you! We will also announce dates & times of seminars of interest to you and your health! Charles C. Adams,...

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