Breast Cancer – Prevention?

I happened to run in to a Doctor buddy of mine this past weekend who shared with me some interesting info about Lavender Oil.  There is a compound in Lavender Oil, Perillyl Alcohol, that acts as chemotherapy on around 80% of breast cancers.  Rumor has it...

Vitamin D Guidelines

#1) If you got a BATHING SUIT quality tan yesterday, then you don't need to take Vitamin D today. This means: 30 minutes of exposure between 10 am & 2 pm wearing  –>  Ladies – 2  a piece suit          ...

Chelation and Diabetics

TACT stands for: the Trial to Assess Chelation Therapy TACT 1 was from 2002 through 2011.  It was THE official double-blinded-randomzed-placebo-controlled-trial that proved: 1) Chelation Therapy is SAFE 2) Chelation Therapy is EFFECTIVE  -> It reduced...

MS and Biotin

If you or someone you know has MS of the Chronic Progressive type, it seems as if they may benefit from "high doses" of biotin.  According to one study 91.2% of patients responded clinically to high doses of Biotin. First of all, a WARNING!...

Iodine – It’s a BIGGIE!

Iodine Supplements and Dosages Published on March 27, 2017 in Iodine Iodine is necessary for the proper function of many of the body’s tissues à including the breasts, pancreas, brain, stomach, adrenal glands, skin, salivary glands, and cerebral...

Vaccine Info

As one of the Integrative Societies sez: "Show me the science!"  And this remark is especially true with regards to vaccines –> Show me the science, PLEASE! A wonderful source for vaccine info is:  The National Vaccine...

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