TACT stands for: the Trial to Assess Chelation Therapy
TACT 1 was from 2002 through 2011. It was THE official double-blinded-randomzed-placebo-controlled-trial that proved:
1) Chelation Therapy is SAFE
2) Chelation Therapy is EFFECTIVE -> It reduced cardiac events in diabetics by approximately 40%. <— BTW, that is HUGE!!!!! (It reduced cardiac events in non-diabetics by ~ 20%)
The good news is, the NIH (National Institute of Health) wants to see if that 40% is the "real deal". That is, can ya do it again?
Our office is an official TACT 2 study site! To get in to TACT 2, one must meet these critetria: Must be diabetic, had a documented heart attack, have OK kidney function, no smoking for 3 months and no chelation in the past 5 years.
This is medical history in the making! The results from this study will change the world.
If one meets the criteria, one will get 1 IV per week for 40 weeks, not only for free, but with a $60.00 honorarium for every 4 IV's completed.
You will keep your regular Doctor. You will continue your regular medications. Your supplements will be provided by the study.
For more info, call our office: 706-861-7377